Gloria Mills

New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

What is your job title or description?
Customized Nutrition, Skin, Hair and Cosmetics for Clients wanting to recapture their youth and vitality.
Company Name
For The Greater Glow
Your website
Business affiliations
Arbonne International
Jewish Organization(s) (past and present)
Business Facebook Address
Your Blog
Brag about yourself - what makes you great at what you do?
A lot of components go into healthy beautiful skin; it's not just products.

It's making commitments that will nourish your skin, inside and out. That's not easy in today's world of over hyped, over branded products. How do we decide what is worth using, when even the words natural and organic lack credibility? And what is the impact on our skin when we have a high paced lifestyle, stress that is out of control, when we're not getting enough sleep or paying enough attention to what we're eating?

Bottom line is that with the right products, the right routine and consistency you are going to see results. But what I advocate for is a routine and products that are pure, safe and healthy for you, that are not tested on animals and that do not harm the environment.
What types of business contacts are you looking to make?
I am looking for Clients that want to add the missing component to their lifestyle of exercise and good eating. Our skin is our largest organ and 65% of anything we put on it goes directly into our bloodstream. We cannot detox or sweat out toxins in our blood. The easiest decision we can make is to stop using personal care products that are harming our health.

Comment Wall:

  • Lior Fried

    Congratulations Gloria,
    Please go to my page and watch the videos if you like to be featured in our BizNess magazine in early spring please let me know. The magazine will be hand delivered to over 20,000 middle to upper class homes and businesses in Bergen county.