JBN | Jewish Business Network

Networking Events for Jewish Entrepreneurs

Would you benefit from a FREE Mastermind Group?  A new group for women entrepreneurs is forming to meet biweekly or monthly (depending on group preference) via tele- or video-conferencing (depending on group preference) to help each other plan, problem-solve, and hold ourselves accountable for our business goals.  Group will be limited to 5 members, each in a unique industry/service to foster a co-operative rather than competitive atmosphere.  Sales pitches are not appropriate for this venue, except when offered for critique.  Please be in touch.

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HI, Devora!

I am interested!

Please contact me offline, so we can continue making arrangements.  Anyone else you’d like to invite?

Marina Zats said:

HI, Devora!

I am interested!

Great! What are your preferred means of communication?

Email ( devora@thisorganized.com ) or office (973) 919-7761.

Marina Zats said:

Great! What are your preferred means of communication?

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